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Shark Tank 30A: Parking App Makes a Splash

In a sea of innovative ideas, one tech startup is making waves in the Shark Tank 30A competition. Meet Park 30A, the parking app company that aims to revolutionize parking on the iconic stretch of Florida's coastline.

With parking woes plaguing locals and tourists alike, Park 30A hopes to provide a seamless solution to the perennial problem of finding a parking spot.

Their concept?

A mobile app that allows users to pay for parking directly from their smartphones.

"It's genius, really," says the CEO and founder.

"No more fumbling for loose change or worrying about getting a parking ticket.

With Park 30A, parking becomes a breeze."

The app works by assigning each parking spot a unique zone number, which users can input into the app along with their license plate information.

Payment is then processed through the app, eliminating the need for physical parking meters and enforcement personnel.

"We're all about convenience and efficiency," explains Spotter.

"Our app streamlines the parking process, making it easier for everyone involved."

But Park 30A's ambitions don't stop there.

They're also looking to partner with Walton County government to implement their system across public and private lots, further expanding their reach and impact.

Of course, no Shark Tank pitch would be complete without a request for funding.

Park 30A is seeking $100,000 in venture capital in exchange for a 20% equity stake in the company.

"We're confident that with the right investment, Park 30A can become the go-to parking solution for 30A residents and visitors alike," says Spotter.

As the Shark Tank 30A competition heats up, Park 30A stands out as a frontrunner with a practical and innovative solution to a longstanding problem.

Will they reel in the investors they need to make their vision a reality?

Only time will tell.

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