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DeFuniak Citizens Denounce Interference in City Elections by South Walton Mob

The recent referendum in Defuniak Springs has sparked outrage among its citizens, not because of the issue at hand, but due to the egregious interference by the "South Walton Mob" in an attempt to manipulate the democratic process.

The actions of individuals such as Barbara Morano, Lisa Veiga, Danny Cosson, and City Councilwoman Amy Heavlin are nothing short of a blatant attack on the integrity of our city elections.

Reports have surfaced of coordinated efforts by these individuals to spread misinformation and sow discord among Defuniak Springs residents.

Utilizing fictitious names and fake news sources, they have propagated baseless claims of missing funds in the city's budget, despite a clean audit confirming otherwise.

It is evident that their sole objective is to create chaos and confusion, with little regard for the truth or the democratic principles that underpin our electoral system.

Amy Heavlin’s dubious reputation, as highlighted by her tenure as the clerk of Monroe County, Florida, further underscores the nefarious nature of these actions.

Her alleged involvement in deleting public emails, as reported by the Miami Herald, raises serious questions about her integrity and motives.

What is particularly troubling to Defuniak Springs residents is the intrusion of South Walton residents into our city's affairs. Led by Barbara Morano and Lisa Veiga, who are known for similar tactics at the county level, their attempts to impose their liberal politics and agenda on our community are both unwelcome and unwarranted.

Defuniak Springs has its own unique challenges and priorities, and we reject any attempts to import external influences that do not align with our values and interests.

Furthermore, the timing of these actions, coinciding with the referendum on changing the city's charter, is deeply concerning.

It raises suspicions of a concerted effort to sway the outcome of the vote through deceit and manipulation.

While it remains unclear whether any electioneering crimes have been committed, it is imperative that a thorough investigation be conducted to hold those responsible accountable for their actions.

In the face of such blatant interference, Defuniak Springs citizens must stand united in defense of our democratic principles and the integrity of our electoral process.

We will not tolerate outside forces attempting to subvert our city's autonomy and undermine the will of its residents. The voices of Defuniak Springs must be heard, free from the influence of external agendas and political machinations.

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